Q. What is 'Lawle Guby'?!:
The 'Lawle Guby Open' is a golf tournament, named in honour of my friend and former
work colleague.
Q. I don't understand:
He used to receive correspondence addressed to random variations of his name, eg 'Lince Joby', 'Lance Jubby', 'Nonce Judy' etc. 'Lawle Guby' is the most famous variation.
Q. I still don't understand:
When Lance left his place of work to travel the world for a year, the 'Lawle Guby Open' golf tournament was instigated in his honour.
If you would like to see the
original Lawle Guby entry form, click on the entry link
Q. Shouldn't that be the end of the matter?:
Not really. We have run this tournament every year since then. 2009 saw the 10th anniversary of this now famous tournament.
Q. I can't really play golf, this isn't for me:
Think again. We run this on the par 3 course at Ramsdale and everyone receives a handicap to make it fair*.
* Apart from Shandy, who has received an unfair handicap ever since he complained about his handicap, succeeded in having it increased and then went on to win the tournament.
